Hi, I'm Ayush Jain

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What I Do

I am a self-taught web and mobile app developer with a strong eye for innovative design.

More about me

I have a keen understanding of techniques geared towards optimum user experience.

While I keep busy attending hackathons and making personal projects, I take freelance projects that interest me.


Fullstack developer with primary focus on React and Node: Download Resume

  • Python
  • Flutter
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • MongoDB
  • C programming
  • Node JS
  • Google Cloud
  • Heroku

Some of my past projects

Tweet Scheduler

Automatic tweet scheduler where the user can enter the time and tweet content, and the tweet gets posted at the time specified

ZeeCart - Ecommerce Platform

Ecommerce platform built using MERN stack, with all basic functionalities from Admin Dashboard and User authentication and authorization to checkout and payment

Voice recognizing Expense Tracker

A WebApp that helps keep track of expenses and is powered by voice recognition

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